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5 Questions For: Thomas Simon


New York City based artist Thomas Simon does a lot of film work, so it’s no surprise that his shows have an enveloping, cinematic quality…Simon pulls you in with a swirling vortex of a million guitar, keyboard and percussion textures.

How do you think the energy of New York City influences the creative process for musicians like yourself?

It is the “can do, anything is possible” energy, that attracted me initially and was the reason to move there many years ago. Then, I always looked for people to collaborate with, that are way better than I was, so I had no choice, but to try to keep up with them, learn and that’s how I refined my sound. It’s a never ending process…

What would it be if you had to describe your music as a dish?

Like a Bahia, Brazilian moqueca. Rich, lots of flavor, one sensation to another, creamy to spicy…a vortex of tastes…

If you could collaborate with any artist, living or dead, who would it be?

Brian Eno, for sure. He is one of my main musical influences. I just love his approach to the creative process. Have you heard of his oblique strategies? Check it out here.

What’s one thing you can’t go on tour without?

There are many things… but, probably my weightlifting belt. I travel by myself with three cases of gear (each close to 23kg) and a backpack with my cameras and computer (and power converters for Europe), and my guitar. So that belt keeps me alive…

You’ve played at Control before, how was your experience?

It was amazing. Great sound. Playing with Vladimir Proca (Robin and the Backstabbers) made it happen. Can’t wait to do it again this Monday, 29 April. I love coming back to Bucharest! By the way, you can watch the last Control show here: